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Showing posts from 2012

A trial flag and Mopping Up after the Battle of the Zileherhoum Marshes

I was fooling about with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, making some trial versions of national and regimental banners for the Syldavians.  I worked up a basic flag modeI and then added 3-D texture following the very useful instructions that the resourceful MS Foy kindly posted on his  blog  ( Prometheus in Aspic ).  Here is what I ended up with: The flag is intended to be a Baroque military version of the national flag that figures in Hergé's Ottokar's Sceptre.  I'm not so terribly happy with it, but it is a start. Something weird happened to the pelican's beak. Perhaps he swallowed a big fish! ________________________ 1684   Mopping up after the Battle of the Zileherhoum Marshes The end of the Battle of the Zileherhoum Marshes was marked by the collapse and rout of the Bordurian infantry battleline.   Two ortas of Bordurian provincial infantry and the Arnaut light infantry that had been repulsed by the Syldavian infantry broke and streamed away

Campaign maps for the Battle of the Zilherhoum Marshes

Hassan Muhtar Pasha's opening moves included raids on all the bridges permitting the resupply of King Ivan's base of operations at Klow.  Red arrows indicate Bordurian movements, black arrows show Syldavian moves.  In order of occurrence, these include A) a raid on  Nie Zileheroum followed by blowing up the bridge over the Wladir River to Klow; B) a raid on Ottokardin, site of another bridge over the Wladir, giving access from the east.  Ivan hastily marched his men to repulse that attack fearing the destruction of the bridge, which he wished to preserve for his own planned offensive; C) Finally, the Bordurian garrison of Zympathia seized the town of Orehovo, and cut off access to Klow from the west.  King Ivan was understandably desperate at this point to recover control of his lines of communication, especially those to the west.  While preparing my last post I realised that with the slow pace of progress around here, I needed to go back and check my own map in order

Battle of Zileheroum Marshes AAR!

Hi all!  These are very busy times at work and at home with little time spent around here, as one can readily see.  My energy hasn't really been in short supply but given a chance to paint, read, catch up on work or get some sleep in the short periods of time I do have to myself after the family is all a-bed, I haven't often found the wherewithall to string more words together on the computer.  You know how that goes.  Anyway, in a spasm of productivity, I did steal the time to continue to discover the shadowy (shady?) History of Syldavia with the 1684 campaign post the other day.   I hit the wall however trying to figure out how the battle would work out when I was saved by a good idea.  Aha! Why not play the battle out in a game and then write an AAR?!  Whoa,  hold on there Jim, you say!  Play out an actual wargame? Sit yourself down and have a drink!  Quite out of character for this blog, I realize...   I did indeed play out the scenario in a fast game, using figure